
This program has been disqualified.

Submission date2018-05-21 11:54:45.709040
Matches played45
Win rate57.78

Source code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import time
import random
import math
import re
import operator

Author: __NR__
Concept: history match then frequency counting with non-seeded randomness
         - revised matching function (highest frequency match, not first)

[Reference] EbTech's "Boltzmann Counter," a variation on frequency counting, is 
            used when history fails. See
[Reference] dllu,

random_startPoint = {0:10, 1:50, 2:1000}
random_dict = {1:"R", 2:"P", 3:"S"}
random_pick = random_dict[random.randint(1,3)]
beat_list = {"R":"P", "P":"S", "S":"R"}

def get_top_match(match, history):
    match_count = {}
    true_match = match

    # print "true_match", true_match 
    # print "history", history 
    matches = re.findall(true_match + ".", history)
    for item in matches:
        key_variable = item[-1]
        if key_variable not in match_count:
            match_count[key_variable] = 1
            match_count[key_variable] += 1
    return max(match_count.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]

def second_defense(rockCount, paperCount, scissorsCount, random_pick, another_random):
    modified frequency counting
    [Reference] EbTech's "Boltzmann Counter" 
    if rockCount == paperCount == scissorsCount:
        return random_pick
        # print rockCount, paperCount, scissorsCount
        if another_random < math.exp(rockCount):
            newVariable = "R"
        elif another_random < math.exp(rockCount) + math.exp(paperCount):
            newVariable = "P"
            newVariable = "S"
        return newVariable

if input == "": 
	history = ''
	masterCount = 0
	newVariable = random_pick
	rockCount = paperCount = scissorsCount = 0
	startPoint = random_startPoint[random.randint(0,2)]

elif masterCount < startPoint:
    history += input
    newVariable = random_pick
    masterCount += 1
    rockCount *= 0.95
    scissorsCount *= 0.95
    paperCount *= 0.95
    if input == "R":
        paperCount += 0.1
        scissorsCount -= 0.1
    if input == "P":
        scissorsCount += 0.1
        rockCount -= 0.1
    if input == "S":
        rockCount += 0.1
        paperCount -= 0.1

    # tick counters
    rockCount *= 0.95
    scissorsCount *= 0.95
    paperCount *= 0.95
    if input == "R":
        paperCount += 0.1
        scissorsCount -= 0.1
    if input == "P":
        scissorsCount += 0.1
        rockCount -= 0.1
    if input == "S":
        rockCount += 0.1
        paperCount -= 0.1
    another_random = random.random()*(math.exp(rockCount)+math.exp(scissorsCount)+math.exp(paperCount))
    # print "new variable: ", input
    # print "history length", len(history)

    # original match is the full length of all known history plus new value
    match = history + input

    for idx, val in enumerate(history):
        # the match here is pared down until it is small enough to pattern-match
        match = match[idx:]
        # print "match attempted", match
        # print "history full", history
        # if the pattern does not exist in history, keep winding down match
        if len(match) <= random.randint(1,10):
            # print "down to random"
            newVariable = second_defense(rockCount, paperCount, scissorsCount, random_pick, another_random)
        # if the pattern exists in the history, find the next value
            if match in history: 
                # simple way of grabbing next value
                    # find all variables that come after a match
                    # pick the highest count of variables
                    newVariable = get_top_match(match, history)
                    # befor_keyowrd, keyword, after_keyword = history.partition(match)
                    # newVariable = beat_list[after_keyword[1]]
                    # print "we have a match, and it worked!", newVariable
                    # print "we have a match, but it failed"
                    newVariable = second_defense(rockCount, paperCount, scissorsCount, random_pick, another_random)

    history += input

# print "________________"
output = newVariable
# time.sleep(.5)