This program has been disqualified.
Author | ben haley |
Submission date | 2012-08-12 06:37:55.964460 |
Rating | 6579 |
Matches played | 83 |
Win rate | 66.27 |
""" Use multiple top strategies from the leaderboard and select
the one that is performing the best historically. Aug 2012
borrowed stragies from:
pyfex (
ben haley (
import random
class s1:
def __init__(self):
self.hist = ""
self.opp_played = []
self.beat = {'P': 'S', 'S': 'R', 'R': 'P'}
self.beat2 = {'PP': 'S', 'SS': 'R', 'RR':'P', 'PS': 'S', 'PR': 'P', 'RS': 'R', 'RP': 'P', 'SP': 'S', 'SR': 'R'}
self.complement = {'PS': 'R', 'PR': 'S', 'RS': 'P', 'RP': 'S', 'SP': 'R', 'SR': 'P'}
self.score = {'RR': 0, 'PP': 0, 'SS': 0, 'PR': 1, 'RS': 1, 'SP': 1,'RP': -1, 'SR': -1, 'PS': -1,}
self.output = random.choice(["R", "P", "S"])
self.candidates1 = [self.output, self.output]
self.candidates2 = [self.output] * 5
self.performance1 = [0, 0]
self.performance2 = [(0,0)] * 5
def predict(self, input):
self.hist += self.output.lower()+input
self.performance1[0] += self.score[self.candidates1[0]+input]
self.performance1[1] += self.score[self.candidates1[1]+input]
for i, p in enumerate(self.candidates2):
self.performance2[i] = ({1:self.performance2[i][0]+1, 0: self.performance2[i][0], -1: 0}[self.score[p+input]],
index1 = self.performance1.index(max(self.performance1))
index2 = self.performance2.index(max(self.performance2, key=lambda x: x[0]**3+x[1]))
self.candidates1[1] = self.beat[random.choice(self.opp_played)]
for length in range(min(10, len(self.hist)-2), 0, -2):
search = self.hist[-length:]
idx = self.hist.rfind(search, 0, -2)
if idx != -1:
my = self.hist[idx+length].upper()
opp = self.hist[idx+length+1]
self.candidates2[0] = self.beat[opp]
self.candidates2[1] = self.beat[self.beat[my]]
self.candidates2[2] = self.beat2[self.beat[my] + self.beat[self.beat[opp]]]
self.candidates2[3] = self.beat2[self.beat[opp] + self.beat[self.beat[my]]]
self.candidates2[4] = self.complement[''.join(sorted(set(self.candidates2[0] + self.candidates2[1] + self.candidates2[3])))]
candidates = [random.choice(['R', 'P', 'S'])] * 5
self.candidates1[0] = self.candidates2[index2]
self.output = self.candidates1[index1]
return self.output
from zlib import compress
class s2:
def __init__(self):
self.moves = {
self.comebacks = {
('rock',): ('paper',),
('paper',): ('scissors',),
('scissors',): ('rock',),
('paper', 'rock'): ('paper',),
('paper', 'scissors'): ('scissors',),
('rock', 'scissors'): ('rock',),
('paper', 'rock', 'scissors'): ('paper', 'rock', 'scissors'),
self.rmoves = dict((v.upper(), k) for k, v in self.moves.items())
self.my_moves = []
self.opp_moves = []
self.output = random.choice('RPS')
def complexity(self, string):
""" What is the compressed size of a string?
(larger is more complex)"""
return len(compress(string, 9))
def get_move_string(self, my_moves, opp_moves):
"""translate a list of moves into a compressible string"""
return ''.join([self.moves[me] + self.moves[opp] for me, opp in zip(my_moves, opp_moves)])
def expected(self, my_moves, opp_moves):
"""The most likely next move of the opponent"""
history = self.get_move_string(opp_moves, my_moves)
exps = [(self.complexity(history + self.moves[m]), m) for m in self.moves.keys()]
brilliance = 0.91 #complexity(history) / float(complexity(shuffle_(history)))
patients = 0 if brilliance < 0.90 else \
1 if brilliance < 0.96 else \
res = tuple(sorted([e[1] for e in exps if e[0] <= min(exps)[0] + patients]))
return res
def player(self, my_moves, opp_moves):
return random.choice(self.comebacks[self.expected(my_moves, opp_moves)])
def shuffle_(self, string):
array = list(string)
return ''.join(array)
def predict(self, input):
self.opp_moves += [self.rmoves[input]]
my_move = self.player(self.my_moves, self.opp_moves)
self.output = my_move[0].upper()
if input == '':
history = ''
s1_ns = {}
s2_ns = {}
record = {'s1':0, 's2':0}
values = {
'RR': 0,
'RP': 1,
'RS': -1,
'PR': -1,
'PP': 0,
'PS': 1,
'SR': 1,
'SP': -1,
'SS': 0,
s1_ = s1()
s2_ = s2()
history += input
record['s1'] += values[input + s1_guess]
record['s2'] += values[input + s2_guess]
s1_guess = s1_.output
s2_guess = s2_.output
output = s1_guess if record['s1'] > record['s2'] else s2_guess
print record, s1_guess, s2_guess, output, s1_guess == s2_guess