Author | zdg |
Submission date | 2011-09-11 18:01:39.350098 |
Rating | 6765 |
Matches played | 2509 |
Win rate | 68.43 |
Use to play unranked matches on your computer.
# like zai_last series but looks at my hands and op hands
# added drop switching as an option to the mixer
# mixes 3 strategies now
# --------------------- initialization -----------------------------
if not input:
import random
import math
import itertools, operator, functools
# constants
ROUNDS = 1000
R, P, S = 0, 1, 2
RPS_NUM = (R, P, S)
WIN, TIE, LOSE = 1, 0, -1
def to_num(h):
return RPS_STR.index(h)
def to_str(i):
return RPS_STR[i]
def random_hand():
return random.choice(RPS_NUM)
def play(h1, h2):
return (h1 - h2 + 4) % 3 - 1
def diff(h1, h2):
return (h1 - h2 + 3) % 3
def undiff(h, d):
return (h + d + 3) % 3
def beats(h):
return undiff(h, WIN)
def loses(h):
return undiff(h, LOSE)
def ties(h):
return undiff(h, TIE)
def normalize(lst):
total = float(sum(lst))
if total <= 0.0:
total = 1.0
return [x / total for x in lst]
def pick_random(lst):
i = random.randint(0, len(lst) - 1)
return (i, lst[i])
def my_max(val1, val2):
return val1 if val1[1] > val2[1] else val2
def pick_max(lst):
return reduce(my_max, enumerate(lst))
def pick_weighted(lst, sumlst=None):
r = random.uniform(0.0, sumlst or sum(lst))
acc = 0.0
for i, w in enumerate(lst):
acc += w
if r <= acc:
return (i, w)
# sliding window counter of a sequence of 0,1,2s
# class Counter3(object):
# def __init__(self, seq, period):
# self.seq = seq
# self.period = period
# self.width = 0
# self.counts = [0] * 3
# def update(self):
# self.counts[self.seq[-1]] += 1
# self.width += 1
# if self.width > self.period:
# self.counts[self.seq[-self.period]] -= 1
# def ratios(self):
# return tuple(c / float(self.width) for c in self.counts)
# mixes multiple strategies
class Mixer(object):
def __init__(self, decay, dropswitch, *bots):
self.bots = bots
self.bot_num = len(self.bots)
self.decay = decay
self.next_hands = [[0.0] * 3 for n in xrange(self.bot_num)]
self.scores = [0.0] * self.bot_num
def _update_scores(self):
op_last_hand = op_hands[-1]
for i in xrange(self.bot_num):
last_score = 0.0
for h in RPS_NUM:
last_score += self.next_hands[i][h] * play(h, op_last_hand)
if last_score < 0.0 and self.dropswitch:
self.scores[i] = 0.0
self.scores[i] *= self.decay
self.scores[i] += last_score
def next_hand(self):
next_hand = [0.0] * 3
for i in xrange(self.bot_num):
bot_next_hand = self.bots[i].next_hand()
self.next_hands[i] = bot_next_hand
if self.scores[i] < 0.0:
# if this bot has a negative score, then play against it
m = WIN
m = TIE
for h in RPS_NUM:
next_hand[h] += bot_next_hand[undiff(h, m)] * abs(self.scores[i])
return normalize(next_hand)
class LastOpBot(object):
def __init__(self, d):
self.d = d
def next_hand(self):
hand_weights = [0.0] * 3
hand_weights[undiff(op_hands[-1], self.d)] = 1.0
return hand_weights
# just plays against the op's last move
class LastMyBot(object):
def __init__(self, d):
self.d = d
def next_hand(self):
hand_weights = [0.0] * 3
hand_weights[undiff(my_hands[-1], self.d)] = 1.0
return hand_weights
class RandomBot(object):
def next_hand(self):
return [1.0/3.0] * 3
my_last_bot_fast = Mixer(0.96, True, LastMyBot(WIN), LastMyBot(TIE), LastMyBot(LOSE))
my_last_bot = Mixer(0.6, False, LastMyBot(WIN), LastMyBot(TIE), LastMyBot(LOSE))
# mixer_op_last = Mixer(0.96, True, LastOpBot(WIN), LastOpBot(TIE), LastOpBot(LOSE))
op_last_bot = Mixer(0.8, False, LastOpBot(WIN), LastOpBot(TIE), LastOpBot(LOSE))
mixer = Mixer(0.8, False, my_last_bot_fast, my_last_bot, op_last_bot, RandomBot())
# mixer.scores[0] = 1
# mixer = mixer_my_last
my_hands = []
op_hands = []
next_hand = random_hand()
output = to_str(random_hand())
# --------------------- turn -----------------------------
hands_played = len(my_hands)
next_hand_weights = mixer.next_hand()
if sum(next_hand_weights) <= 0:
next_hand = random_hand()
next_hand = pick_weighted(next_hand_weights)[0]
output = to_str(next_hand)
# if hands_played < 10:
# print(mixer.scores)
# print(next_hand_weights)
# print(next_hand)